Sunday, October 11, 2009

Rock Quilt II

We have selected a variety of local stone that can be used to build the Rock Quilt.

Rock Quilt

We are hoping to have the opportunity to work with NC DOT on a range of projects over the years. Our first effort will be a proposal to build a Rock Quilt on hillside north of Prices Creek on 19E.

Barbara Webster has selected an initial design.

Barbara Webster has suggested putting Quilt Squares on some Young and McQueen safety barrels. We'll see if a diplomatic effort can make it happen.

TVT slideshow

Bethany Rountree and David Oye are creating a short slideshow to be shown to community groups, informing them about the Toe Valley Trail project.

Cassandra Styles is working with Shortbus Studio Artists and community members on a project to do a retaining wall mural.

Jody Higgins suggests that we establish a Mountain Music Trail. Did you know we have at least 13 Trails in the Toe Valley?

Wendy Reid wants a native plant group.

Katelin Kennedy has been working on an Organizational chart for TVT, as well as a business plan.

TVT News

Toe Valley Trail Project has been busy.

Armin Wessel proposed that we establish an Art/Loan program, where Artists would display sculpture at chosen sites for a given period of time or until it sold. We have several artists that have generously offered to posibly participate in the program. They include: Carl Peverall, Martin Webster, David Boone, Nathan Blank, and Ila Seltzer. Armin is working on a site on South Main, Burnsville. Judy Smith and David Oye are working on a site in Bald Creek.